We are delighted to announce the official launch of the new score card of the journal Olc Course. The Dashboard of the Course Review is an examination instrument at the level of the course intended to assess the quality of online, mixed and digital learning. The publication of this dashboard continues OLC’s commitment to advance quality in education. The quality may not be in our name, but it is in our DNA.
The dashboard of the course review will replace both the OSCQR and QCTIP sections as an official dashboard at the OLC course. We know that these sections have been basic foods for many of you, and they will remain available in the foreseeable future. You can still access OSQCR on the SUNY websiteAnd you will continue to find qctip on the OLC website. Please use them with our blessing. However, our official course examinations and the workshops of our For Professional Learning Center will incorporate the Dashboard of Courses Reviews in our programs and our processes.
You may be wondering: why a new dashboard? Well, there are several reasons:
First of all, we wanted to develop an instrument that addresses both the design and delivery of the courses. High quality design is crucial for students’ success, of course, but as we know, how an instructor teaches a class can do or even undo the best dressed course. If an instructor is, let’s say, who does not respond to the requests for information from the students or fails to contribute significantly to the discussions, there will probably be problems.
Second, our goal was to create a dashboard easily accessible to new instructors but which would also provide a structured route for continuous improvement. You will see in the classification of the course review that there are 20 indicators focused on the essential elements of the course design and 15 focused on the most advanced elements. We could chica on a few indicators being wrong, but please keep in mind that our goal was to develop a resource that would not overwhelm novices and short -run instructors.
Third, we hoped to fill certain shortcomings that we have identified in a Each learner everywhere the sustained meta-analysis existing free access dashboards. Based on this research, the feedback of practitioners and the lessons learned from years of quality insurance in digital learning, this new instrument incorporates the strongest elements of existing executives while approaching key limitations.
As with our other dashboards, the Dashboard of the Courses Revue is available for free download for anyone with a web browser. The dashboard is revixable and can be adapted to meet individual or organizational needs; Please do not try to make money, please.
We must add that the release of the dashboard of the course review is only the start. We already have a support manual in the work that will be available for OLC members in the coming weeks. We will have workshops thanks to our Center for Professional Learning to orient our community towards the dashboard. We will launch a revised and more competitive revision service for our members. More good things are on the horizon.
We are proud of what we have developed and standing on the dashboard of the course review, but we know that nothing is perfect. SO, We would be delighted to hear you On your thoughts and experiences with the dashboard. As part of the development process, we have already engaged with many members of the community for their comments; For this, we would like to warmly thank the following people:
Amoreena Aspenwall-Fredin, Dylan Barth, Dawn Benigno, Jeanne Catanzaro, Lileen Couloudon, Lesley Cryderman, Phil Denman, Michael Douglas, Elizabeth du Plessis, Zeren Eder, Andrew Feldstein, Katherine Fisne, John Fritz, Kaith González Izquierdo, Gruver, Josh Herron, Erin Hugus, Rachel Hutchison, Claudia Isela, Jessica Koleno, Sherry Kull, Cynthia Lambertson-Poon, Keegan Long-Oheeler, Jennifer Mathes, Tawnya Means, Mary Beth Messner, Linda Neff, Emily Peck, SocinS Prows, Cinde Messner Neff, Emily Peck, Cristalls Prows, Cindem Lee Anna Smith, Oliver Snow, David Stone, Elisabeth Stucklen, Kit Waffle, Lynn Wahl, Nicole Weber and Olena Zhadko.
To download the Dashboard of the course revision, and to find out more about our other score and revision services, please visit the OLC website advice page.