Seerat Series (Part – 7: Important discussion on the Polygamy of the Prophet (ﷺ) and the uncles, aunts and guards of the Prophet (ﷺ))
🟩 Important discussion on the Polygamy of the Prophet (ﷺ)
A man with more than one woman was a recognized problem in almost all the religions of the pre -Islamic era. Polygamy was practiced among nations living in countries like Arabia, India, Iran, Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Austria, etc. Apart from that, no one could deny this natural necessity even today. Currently, Europeans have attempted to declare illegal polygamy against their ancestors, although they did not succeed; Polygamy is rather widely practiced in Europe and America. The famous Christian scholar M. Debian Port, after having cited many verses of the Bible in favor of polygamy, wrote: “The essence of these verses is that polygamy is not only desirable; On the contrary, Allah also granted him many blessings. Thus, many people, including fixed ecclesiastics, John Milton, Isaac Taylor and others, have strongly supported polygamy. (56) However, it should be noted that at the pre-Islamic era, there were no fixed number of polygamous women; As a result, a man could have thousands of wives. (57) In addition, members of the Christian clergy were generally involved in polygamy. It was widely practiced in Germany until the 16th century. The Emperor of Constantinople and his successors all had many wives. Likewise, polygamy was also legal in the teachings of the Hindu Vedas. According to the teachings of the Vedas, it is allowed to have 10, 13 or 27 women at the same time. (58) In short, multiple marriages were widespread in the pre-Islamic era, but there was no limit to the number. By reading the history of different religions and countries, it is known that no religion or law, whether Jewish, Christian, Aryan, Hindu, Buddhist or Persian, had no polygamy limit. Even at the beginning of Islam, this practice of polygamy was not fixed on any fixed number, consequently, many companions had more than four women at the time. However, after the death of Khadija (RA), due to the special needs of Islam, the Prophet (ﷺ) had up to 10 women in his marriage. Later, when we saw that women’s rights were raped due to polygamy. At first, people married many women of greed. Then they could not correctly meet the needs and rights of all. Keeping these problems in mind, the eternal law of the Holy Quran, which has been revealed to eradicate all kinds of oppression and tyranny of the world, has not completely prohibited polygamy, keeping in mind the natural needs of people; However, it was made specific and through it, the damage observed due to polygamy have also been eliminated. In this regard, Allah Almighty has ordered that, from now on, you can only marry four women at a time. And it is provided that you are able to achieve the rights of four women as well. And if you do not have the courage and the ability to do it (that is to say justice and equality), then having more than one woman is wrong and oppression. With this declaration, having more than four women at the same time has become prohibited according to the unanimous opinion of the Ummah. At that time, all the companions who had more than four women under them, on the orders of the Prophet, kept four and divorced the rest. When Ghaylan (may Allah be satisfied with him) became a Muslim, he had 10 women. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) also ordered him to keep four and to divorce the rest. Likewise, when Nawfal Ibn Muawiyah (may Allah be satisfied with him) converted to Islam, he had five women. The Prophet (ﷺ) ordered him to divorce one of them, leaving four. (59) According to this rule and general regulation, the number of wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) should not have exceeded four; But here it is also clear that the ummah of believers or the wives of the Prophet are not like other women. In this regard, the Holy Quran declares: “O wives of the Prophet, you are not like other women.” (Surat al-Ahzab: 32) The prophet’s wives (ﷺ) are the mothers of the Ummah. Therefore, they cannot marry anyone else after the Prophet (ﷺ). Now, if the prophet’s additional wives (ﷺ) were divorced and separated according to the general rule, then how many injustice would have been made to them. They should have spent their whole life in solitude. A few days of association with the merciful would have been a great difficulty for them. On the one hand, they would have been deprived of the Company of the Messenger (ﷺ), and on the other hand, they would not have been allowed to relieve this pain elsewhere. Therefore, it was not appropriate to include them in this general rule. Especially women whose marriages were only concluded because their husbands were in the field of jihad. They remained helpless because of their martyrdom. The Prophet (ﷺ) married them by compassion for them. If they were divorced now, what would have been their condition? Could it be a good compassion that they are now deprived of marriage for the rest of their lives? For these reasons, according to Sharia law, having more than four women is considered a privilege only for the Prophet (ﷺ). In addition, the conditions of domestic life of the Prophet (ﷺ), which are considered as a legal ideal for Oummy in all areas of religious and world, could only reach us through his women. And this is such an important question that even nine women are much lower than this requirement. Keeping these facts in mind, can anyone say that this special quality of the Prophet (ﷺ) (may Allah forgive him) due to a biological desire? In addition, it should be noted that at that time, all the Arab and non -Arab people rose to oppose the Prophet (ﷺ), plotting to kill him, accusing him of various slander; In short, they did their best to throw mud on this bright sun. Did they do all of this, but has an infidel ever accumulated it with biological desire or feminization? Of course not. In this case, they did not have the slightest opportunity to accuse him. Otherwise, what bigger tool could there be to defame a famous person! If there had been a little time, the infidels of Arabia – of which no news from the prophet’s house (ﷺ) was a secret – would have made a mole of a mole and considered it to be his fault. But they were not stupid enough to deny reality and reduce the weight of their words. The Holy Life of the Prophet (ﷺ), the incarnation of the fear of Allah, was before the eyes of all. They could see that a large part of his youth had been spent in loneliness and loneliness. Then, when he had twenty-one (popularly twenty-five), a marriage proposal came from Khadijah (ﷺ), who was a widow and mother of children and had passed the age of forty and approached old age. Before her marriage to the Prophet (ﷺ), she had married two other husbands and was the mother of two sons and three daughters. (60) His request was not rejected by the Prophet (ﷺ). It is with her that the Prophet (ﷺ) spent most of his youth; And following spending most of her life with her, all the children of the Prophet (ﷺ) were born from her. Of course, Khadijah (ﷺ) after that, when the Prophet (ﷺ) reached the age of fifty, he married several other women and, due to the requirement of special Sharia law, up to 10 women were married to him. With the exception of Aisha (RA), all widows and some of whom had children. Given these circumstances, I cannot even imagine that a sensible person could comment on this Polygamy of the Prophet (ﷺ) as a result of biological lust! If someone with twisted eyes cannot see the light and the greatness of the prophecy and closes their eyes to their character, his work, his fear of Allah, his purity, his detachment from the world, the activities and all the details of life, the course of events associated with this polygamy will force him to say that these marriages were certainly not due to any biological need. If this was the case, then no human being could have accepted the idea of spending his whole life with an old woman and choosing it at the age of 55 for this purpose. Especially when the leaders of the Arabs and Quraysh were ready to sacrifice their chosen daughter, beautiful and beautiful at the foot of the Prophet (ﷺ) at her request. There are many proofs of this in the reliable books of Seerat and history. In addition, the number of Muslims had reached Lakhs at the time and each woman wanted to be the prophet’s companion (ﷺ) and gain success and well-being in both worlds. Despite this, he spent almost 50 years of his life with Khadija (ﷺ); However, at the time of marriage, Khadija (ﷺ) was 40 years old. After the death of Khadija (ﷺ), all the women he married except one was widows and mothers of children. Despite the many virgin girls of Oummée, the Prophet (ﷺ) did not marry them. There is no place for a more detailed discussion in this short book (series). Otherwise, it would have been demonstrated how the Polygamy of the Prophet (ﷺ) was in accordance with Islamic and Sharia law. In fact, if the Prophet had not had partner, these laws – which could only have been transmitted to the Ummah through women – would have remained unknown. (61) Consequently, it is completely shamelessly and false to call polygamy (ﷺ) of the prophet a biological desire. If the love of injustice does not destroy consciousness and intelligence, then no infidel can say it. The Prophet (ﷺ) has left nine pure wives and is dead. After his death, Zaynab Bint Jahash (RA) was the first to die, and Umm Salama (RA) was the last.
🟩 The prophet’s uncles and aunts (ﷺ)
The grandfather of the Prophet (ﷺ), Abd al-Muttalib, had 10 sons: 1. Harith (62), 2. Zubayr, 3. Hujal, 4. Ziraar, 5. Muqawim, 6. Abu Lahab, 7. Abbas (RA), 8. Hamza (RA), 9. Abu Talib, 10. Abdollah. Among them, Abdullah is the respected father of the Prophet (ﷺ); And the other nine are his uncles. The youngest of uncles was Abbas (RA). The aunts of the Prophet (ﷺ) were six: 1. Umayma, 2. Umm Hakim, 3. Barra, 4. Atiqah, 5. Safiya, 6. Arwa.
🟩 The Prophet’s guards (ﷺ)
Those who were the prophet’s guards (ﷺ) at different times: Sa’d Ibn Mu’adh (may Allah be satisfied with him) in the battle of Badr, Jaqwan Ibn Abdi Qays and Muhammad ibn Maslama al-Ansari (May Allah will be satisfied with him) in the battle of Uhud, Zubayr (Abbad Ibn Bishr, Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqas, Abu Ayyub al-Ansari and Bilal (may Allah be satisfied with him) to Wadi Qura.
(56) Life by John Debin Port: 50.
(57) According to the current Bible, Salomon (AS) had 700 women and 300 concubines. (First Salatine: 3/11). In addition, David (AS) had 99 women, Abraham (AS) had three, and Jacob and Moses (AS) each had four women. (Bible, Genesis Chapter: 29-30)
(58) Manu, the recognized religious leader of Hindus and Aryans, wrote in his scriptures: “If someone has four or five women and one of them is the mother of a child, then he will also be considered the mother of the children of others. (Manu Chapter-9, Verse-183; Risalay-E-Taaddude-Ezawaj, Amritsar.) In addition, Shri Krishna is a highly respected avatar among the Hindus, and he had thousands of women.
(59) Tafsirul Kabir: 3/137 (60) Sirat Mughaltai: 12
(61) Alhamdulillah, Hakimul Ummat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanbi (may Allah have mercy on him) responded to this need by compiling the hadiths told by pious women on family life in a collection. He named this Ta’dadul Awwaz Lisahibil Miraj collection.
(62) It was after him that the nickname of Abdul Muttalib, Abul Haris, became famous.
Text: Book – Sirat Khatamul Ambiya ﷺ; Pages: 38-43
Author: Mufti Muhammad Shafi (may Allah have mercy on him)
Translator: Ilyas Mashhud
To be prosecuted, Insha Allah …
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